Saturday, November 27, 2010

11.27.10 Screenshot

I guess I've been pretty lazy lately. I've really only been changing wallpapers. I know, lame. Oh well.
Battery Widget.Circle Battery Widget
Clock.SiMi Clock
Weather.Typographic Weather
Lockscreen.Widget Locker (Sense Mod)
Dock and Wallpaper.In dropbox.


  1. I don't see the dock or wallpaper in your dropbox. :(

  2. The dock is there, I checked and I added that wallpaper. :]

  3. So... when I click on the dropbox link, it takes me to another blog page!

  4. There should be a link on that page. I still need to fix that.

  5. cool deal, i got the link from a xda post... what about the icons in the dock?

  6. I actually don't have icons. It's a modded dock. It's in the box but it might appear all white. It's called something along the lines of glass dock.

  7. you only have glassy and it doesnt have the "icons"

  8. I just re upped it for you. It's called glassy-new_copy.png I hope you can find it. :]

  9. hate to be a pain, but glassy-new_copy.png is just a white colored dock, not a transparent dock with those circular white icons as seen in your screenshot

  10. I just tried saving it and it worked fine. If you press save at the bottom it should be fine.

  11. Hey, could you link me to the mod you used for widget locker?

  12. Also, it looks in that picture like the time and weather widgets are semi transparent, did you change the colour value on them or something? I know how to do that in SiMi clock but not typographic weather. Thanks

  13. The mod is here:
    And in SiMi Clock you can change the Alpha of the text color to make it semi transparent.

  14. Thanks, and how do you make typographic weather semi transparent?

  15. When you are picking color if you put 00 before the color code it will be 100% transparent ie. #00FFFFFF, #55FFFFFF would be semi transparent. I think I had mine at like #88000000 for the text but I'm not sure. I hope you understand and I hope I help.

  16. Yeah I get what you mean, thanks a lot.
    Love the blog btw :)

  17. FYI your drop box doesn't seem to work, was trying to grab the wall paper, but DB says 404
